Season of Hope

Five years ago, we named our Marcus Autism Center signature event Season of Hope because we hope for, and diligently pursue, a vision of the future where every child can reach their full potential.

On November 30, 2023, we look forward to being with you at The Atlanta History Center to continue the important work of serving the one in 36 kids in the United States living with autism.

Event attendees will enjoy cocktails, a seated dinner, inspirational Marcus Autism Center guest speakers, a silent and live auction as well as live entertainment.

Thank you for your interest in supporting Marcus Autism Center through the Season of Hope. Your investment with us helps change the trajectories of vulnerable children living with autism.


Become a sponsor

2023 Season of Hope Host Committee


Monetha Cobb
Kelly Loeffler

Committee Members

Virginia Adams
Sophie Ashkouti
Lauren Ball
Elise Baumann - Invitation & Decor Chair
Tanesha Boldin - Auction Chair
Shanna Bradley
Jessica Branch - Social Media Chair
Duriya Farooqui
Anna Ford
Kim Goetz
Marian Goldberg
Julie Hagedorn
Jessi Hamilton - Social Media Chair
Robin Howell
Carlie Ivey
Mandi Jackson
Caroline Jeffords - Patron Chair
Katie Johnson
Mika Kawana
Stephanie Kindregan
Serena Levy
Lorri McClain
Adrian McGraw
Aisha Parker
Kate Peterson - Patron Chair
Winnie Smith
Bradley Sosebee - Invitation & Decor Chair
Heather Vedell


Contact Ashley Miller for more information.

Register today

December 1, 2023
12:00 AM to 3:00 AM

The Atlanta History Center